
Son of a Critch ( 2022 )

这是一个以纽芬兰圣约翰斯为背景的成长故事,讲述了 11 岁的马克的内心比他 11 岁大得多,他用喜剧来赢得朋友,并与他有限的世界中的人们建立联系。

第⁨一⁩季 2022 • ⁨13⁩ 集
7.6 82.0% 100.0%

《⁨疯子之子⁩》第 ⁨1⁩ 季于 ⁨2022-01-04⁩ 首播。

A coming-of-age story set in St. John’s, Newfoundland of 11 year-old Mark, much older on the inside than his 11 years, who uses comedy to win friends and connect with people in his limited world.

第⁨二⁩季 2023 • ⁨13⁩ 集

《⁨疯子之子⁩》第 ⁨2⁩ 季于 ⁨2023-01-03⁩ 首播。

A new school year brings new challenges for Mark including: first beer, first fight, even his first pair of jeans! The bigger Mark’s world gets, the more complicated things become.