
Le colt cantarono la morte e fu... tempo di massacro ( 1966 )

In 1866 New Mexico, Tom Corbett is a prospector who is called back to his hometown in Laramie Town, Texas at the bequest of a old family friend. Tom arrives in the town to see it under the control of a ruthless and greedy gangster named Jason Scott, who's psychotic and murder-crazed son, Junior Scott, runs it with fear with a posse of thugs who kill anyone who protests their business tactics. Tom finds his brother Jeff, a drunkard looked after by their family maid Mercedes. Tom then tries to persuade Jeff to help him take down the sadistic Scotts so the town can rest easy in peace and harmony again.

编剧: Fernando Di Leo

导演: Lucio Fulci

演员: Franco Nero / George Hilton / Giuseppe Addobbati / Nino Castelnuovo / Linda Sini / Tom Felleghy / Franco Morici / Rina Franchetti / Tchang Yu / Aysanoa Runachagua / Salvatore Borgese / Romano Puppo / Roberto Alessandri / John Bartha / Gino Barbacane / Omero Capanna / Amerigo Castrighella / Franco Cobianchi / Mario Dionisi / Sergio Endrigo / Giuliana Farnese / Giglio Gigli / Franco Gulà / Rocco Lerro / Enrico Pagani / Franco Pasquetto / Virgilio Ponti / Lucia Righi / Gaetano Scala / Attilio Severini / Bruno Ukmar / Franco Ukmar / Giancarlo Ukmar

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