
Power Rangers ( 1993 )

恐龙战队,是布莱恩·斯帕塞执导的一部科幻动作片,讲述维持和平保护地球的恐龙战队,这次要面对的是邪恶的怪物和一心征服全人类的大魔头。连番激战在所难免,内容还是离开不了原有科幻片的固有的模式,但本片在特技处理方面还是别具一格的。恐龙战队分为日版和美版,美版战队POWER RANGERS系列开山之作,该片是由美国SABAN公司1993年向日本东映公司买下该公司的《超级战队系列》的海外改编版权后而来。

演员: Russell Curry / Hunter Deno / Kai Moya / Tessa Rao / Chance Perez / Jordan Fite / Jared Turner / Josephine Davison / Torum Heng / Campbell Cooley


All the special features and Featurettes included on the Home releases of Power Rangers

恐龙战队(第4季) 1996 • ⁨50⁩ 集

《⁨恐龙战队⁩》第 ⁨4⁩ 季于 ⁨1996-04-20⁩ 首播。

被怪杰老妖的黑暗光球变成儿童的队员们以及新队员坦娅最终从世界各地带回了五颗希奥水晶,并依靠水晶的力量恢复了原貌。但还没等大家来得及庆祝,里多和哥达一伙人便潜入了指挥中心,他们抢走了队员们刚到手的希奥水晶。最后关头,佐藤命令阿尔法在爆炸前最后一刻将队员们送出指挥中心。在指挥中心的废墟中,队员们惊喜地发现了两个没头脑离开时掉落的希奥水晶。刚拿起水晶,脚下的地面突然迅速下沉,直到到达了一个不可思议的地方——新的指挥所超能大厅,原来佐藤和阿尔法已经有所准备了。<br /><br />与此同时,自以为消灭了恐龙战队而得意忘形的乍德等人却受到了另一股势力意想不到的袭击——新的敌人,机械王国正企图取代乍德和丽达征服地球。机械皇帝蒙多的到来迫使乍德只能携全家老小逃往老丈人所在的M-51星云,开始了漫长的大篷车旅行……<br /><br />地球再次陷入了危机,于是佐藤利用希奥水晶的威力开发出了新的变身超能量,汤米、洛奇、阿达姆、坦娅和凯瑟琳依靠水晶变身成为超能战士,比利则选择留在超能大厅负责幕后调度工作,这样新的希奥战队诞生,成为保卫地球,对抗机械帝国的最后希望。<br /><br />机械帝国的力量显然不是乍德一伙人所能比拟的。当队员们陷入苦战时,一位神秘的金色战士和一座大金字塔突然出现。他的身份是贤者特雷伊,星际的和平守卫者。他威力强大,但却因三个分身无法达到三位一体而渐渐消退,解决问题的唯一办法就是将金色能量转移到另一个人身上。于是一位久违的老朋友,第一代红衣战士杰森成了合适人选。尽管杰森的金色能量依然不稳定,但最终依靠恢复元气的贤者特雷伊,希奥战队终于打败机械帝国,取得了超能战士史上第一次全面胜利。

恐龙战队(第5季) 1997 • ⁨45⁩ 集

《⁨恐龙战队⁩》第 ⁨5⁩ 季于 ⁨1997-04-19⁩ 首播。


恐龙战队(第6季) 1998 • ⁨43⁩ 集

《⁨恐龙战队⁩》第 ⁨6⁩ 季于 ⁨1998-02-06⁩ 首播。

由于迪瓦托克斯炸毁了指挥中心,队员们失去了激走能量。迪瓦托克斯以为激走战队已经不再是威胁了,于是离开地球去参加宇宙恶魔联邦的聚会。各路恶魔都出现在了聚会上,除了乍德爵士夫妇,怪杰老妖,机械皇帝蒙多,还有一位身穿斗篷的神秘人物。在聚会上。恶魔联邦的首领黑暗幽灵宣布邪恶公主阿斯特洛尼玛全权负责消灭超能战士。正当恶魔们为他们的罪恶阴谋而举杯时,他们忽然发现那位神秘人物不对劲。见形势不妙,神秘人物跳上了餐桌。打斗中,哥达扯下了神秘人的斗篷,所有恶魔都惊呆了:神秘人居然是一名红衣超能战士!由于寡不敌众,红衣战士决定撤退。他呼叫了银河滑翔机,向自己的太空基地——巨能飞船。<br /><br />另一边,离开地球的激走队员们乘坐的飞船意外地被巨能飞船吸引了过去,并且他们意外地发现太空船的神奇之处,并与红衣战士相遇。原来红衣战士名字叫做安德鲁斯,他的家乡KO35星球被恶魔占领。他将其他四个太空变身器交给了四名队员,五人的太空战队宣告登场。随着太空旅行的进行,队员们了解到安德鲁斯背负的秘密:他的妹妹卡萝恩在童年时被黑暗猎人劫持,拐卖给了日蚀魔,成为了的邪恶公主阿斯特洛尼玛。银色战士——安德鲁斯的好友杰恩的加入使太空战队的力量更加强大。<br /><br />在最后的战斗中,太空战队的佐德接连被毁,只剩下巨能船。眼看着地球再次陷入被恶魔占领的危机之中,安德鲁斯在悲痛之中按照佐藤的吩咐将他毁灭,佐藤毁灭所产生的能量波将所有的人形恶魔变成善良的人类。安德鲁斯等6名队员以及妹妹卡萝恩踏上了回地球的旅程。从此,超能战士的故事成为人们眼中永恒的传说……

第⁨八⁩季 2000 • ⁨40⁩ 集

《⁨恐龙战队⁩》第 ⁨8⁩ 季于 ⁨2000-02-12⁩ 首播。

After 5000 years of imprisonment, the demon armies of Diabolico threaten to destroy the human race, prompting a secret government agency called Lightspeed Rescue to recruit a team of heroes to protect the world as the newest Power Rangers.

第⁨九⁩季 2001 • ⁨40⁩ 集

《⁨恐龙战队⁩》第 ⁨9⁩ 季于 ⁨2001-02-03⁩ 首播。

Fugitive mutants from the distant future escape to the present to unleash a wave of crime against a helpless world but the futuristic police force known as the Power Rangers Time Force travel across time to save the past, present, and future.

第⁨十⁩季 2002 • ⁨40⁩ 集

《⁨恐龙战队⁩》第 ⁨10⁩ 季于 ⁨2002-02-09⁩ 首播。

As the Earth's environment weakens from modern pollution, a long forgotten evil known as Master Org reawakens to destroy Mother Nature. The mythical Wild Zords – mammoth animals of yesteryear thought to be extinct – choose a team of brave youths to defend the Earth as the Power Rangers Wild Force.

第⁨十一⁩季 2003 • ⁨38⁩ 集

《⁨恐龙战队⁩》第 ⁨11⁩ 季于 ⁨2003-02-15⁩ 首播。

A group of teenagers trained in the arts of the stealthy ninja warrior unite to protect the world from an exiled evil ninja master determined to conquer the world.

第⁨十二⁩季 2004 • ⁨38⁩ 集

《⁨恐龙战队⁩》第 ⁨12⁩ 季于 ⁨2004-02-14⁩ 首播。

When the wicked Mesogog attempts to revert the Earth back to a prehistoric age of dinosaurs, legendary veteran Ranger Tommy Oliver returns to action. Recruiting a soccer prodigy, a computer expert, and a fledgling musician to harness their own powers derived from dinosaurs, they must unite as the Power Rangers Dino Thunder to protect the Earth.

第⁨十三⁩季 2005 • ⁨38⁩ 集

《⁨恐龙战队⁩》第 ⁨13⁩ 季于 ⁨2005-02-05⁩ 首播。

In the near future, an elite police force of Power Rangers dedicated to justice fight to save the Earth from an alien invasion led by Emperor Gruumm.

第⁨十四⁩季 2006 • ⁨32⁩ 集

《⁨恐龙战队⁩》第 ⁨14⁩ 季于 ⁨2006-02-20⁩ 首播。

Legend says when the Darkness arises, five brave teen Sorcerers will be called to fight for the planet's survival. With guidance from their wise mentor and the ancient Xenotome, Book of the Unknown, they will embark on magical adventures, befriend mystical dragons, battle dangerous beasts, encounter pure evil, and transform into the Power Rangers Mystic Force.

第⁨十五⁩季 2007 • ⁨32⁩ 集

《⁨恐龙战队⁩》第 ⁨15⁩ 季于 ⁨2007-02-26⁩ 首播。

When an archaeologist finds a legendary artifact known as the Corona Aurora, or ‘Crown of the Gods,' two ancient evil brothers, Flurious and Moltor, travel to Earth, stopping at nothing to obtain its limitless power. It's up to the Power Rangers – an elite team of treasure-hunters – to travel the globe to find the ancient jewels that power the crown before Flurious and Moltor's minions can find them first.

第⁨十六⁩季 2008 • ⁨32⁩ 集

《⁨恐龙战队⁩》第 ⁨16⁩ 季于 ⁨2008-02-18⁩ 首播。

When the ancient evil spirit Dai Shi returns to wipe out all humans, a trio of teenagers must learn secret kung fu styles based on the world's most ferocious jungle animals to become Power Rangers and save the world.

第⁨十七⁩季 2009 • ⁨32⁩ 集

《⁨恐龙战队⁩》第 ⁨17⁩ 季于 ⁨2009-03-07⁩ 首播。

In a bleak near future, the Venjix Computer Network and its robot armies have almost completely conquered the world. In the dome-shielded city of Corinth, a group of heroes equipped with high tech Racing Performance Machines fight a desperate battle for survival as the Power Rangers RPM.

第⁨十八⁩季 2011 • ⁨23⁩ 集

《⁨恐龙战队⁩》第 ⁨18⁩ 季于 ⁨2011-02-07⁩ 首播。

A new generation of Power Rangers must master the ancient Symbols of Samurai Power which give them control over the elements of Fire, Water, Sky, Forest, and Earth. Under the guidance of their all-knowing mentor and the aid of their devoted animal Zords, they battle the dark forces of the Netherworld and a mysterious Warrior bent on destruction.

第⁨十九⁩季 2012 • ⁨22⁩ 集

《⁨恐龙战队⁩》第 ⁨19⁩ 季于 ⁨2012-02-18⁩ 首播。

The Samurai Power Rangers continue their battle against the evil Master Xandred who has now joined forces with the malevolent Serrator. To fight this growing threat, the Samurai Rangers learn to use the legendary Black Box to form all new Megazord combinations and become Super Samurai. Through teamwork, they also learn to invoke the power of their ancestors to morph into Shogun Mode and protect humanity from the Netherworld's vile villains.

第⁨二十⁩季 2013 • ⁨22⁩ 集

《⁨恐龙战队⁩》第 ⁨20⁩ 季于 ⁨2013-02-02⁩ 首播。

For centuries, the earth has been protected by a supernatural guardian named Gosei and his robotic aide, Tensou. When the evil Warstar aliens plan a massive invasion of Earth, Gosei calls upon five teenagers with talent and attitude to form the ultimate team…the Power Rangers Megaforce! Using their newfound special abilities, mega-weapons, high-tech Zords and giant Megazords to battle this new alien threat, the Power Rangers Megaforce prove that “Earth's defenders never surrender!” Go Go Megaforce!

第⁨二十一⁩季 2014 • ⁨20⁩ 集

《⁨恐龙战队⁩》第 ⁨21⁩ 季于 ⁨2014-02-15⁩ 首播。

Ruthless Prince Vekar has arrived with his massive alien Armada to conquer the earth. To face this new threat, Gosei gives the MEGAFORCE RANGERS special Morphers and Keys, which allow them to morph into SUPER MEGAFORCE RANGERS! Using these special Keys, they also have the amazing new ability to morph into any team of Legendary Rangers from the past. Super-sized villains, super-sized powers and action-packed adventure can only mean one thing: the all-new POWER RANGERS SUPER MEGAFORCE has arrived!

第⁨二十二⁩季 2015 • ⁨22⁩ 集

《⁨恐龙战队⁩》第 ⁨22⁩ 季于 ⁨2015-02-07⁩ 首播。

Millions of years ago, an intergalactic bounty hunter named Sledge tried desperately to capture the 10 mysterious Energems, each capable of filling whomever possessed them with incredible powers. Keeper, the wise and ancient guardian of the Energems, entrusted each Energem to the Earth's mightiest beasts, the dinosaurs, for protection. Centuries later after the dinosaurs went extinct, some of the Energems were discovered by humans. Those who proved worthy gained the ability to morph into Power Rangers. But now, Sledge has returned and has vowed to capture the Energems at all costs. It is up to the Power Rangers Dino Charge to hunt down the rest of the Energems and defeat Sledge once and for all!

第⁨二十三⁩季 2016 • ⁨22⁩ 集

《⁨恐龙战队⁩》第 ⁨23⁩ 季于 ⁨2016-01-30⁩ 首播。

The Power Rangers continue their search for the Energems after Sledge’s defeat, but soon learn that his most dangerous prisoner, the evil Heckyl, survived! In light of this new threat, Kendall creates a powerful new Dino Charger that unlocks the Red Ranger’s T-Rex Super Charge mode! It will take every Zord, Megazord, and Dino Charger in the Power Rangers’ arsenal to finally unite all ten Energems and save the universe!

第⁨二十四⁩季 2017 • ⁨22⁩ 集

《⁨恐龙战队⁩》第 ⁨24⁩ 季于 ⁨2017-01-21⁩ 首播。

Deep in space, Galvanax is the reigning champion of the most popular game show in the universe, “Galaxy Warriors”. Galvanax sends his warrior contestants to Earth to steal the Ninja Power Stars, where each battle against the Power Rangers is broadcast throughout the universe. The Power Rangers must master their arsenal of Ninja Power Stars, Zords and Megazords to stop this evil threat and save Earth from destruction.

第⁨二十五⁩季 2018 • ⁨22⁩ 集

《⁨恐龙战队⁩》第 ⁨25⁩ 季于 ⁨2018-01-27⁩ 首播。

With Galvanax’s defeat and Brody and Aiden’s reunion with their father, all finally seems to be safe in Summer Cove. But when the Rangers are alerted to Madame Odius’ presence on Earth, they discover that she has obtained the powerful Ninja Super Steel and is still after the Ninja Nexus Prism! Luckily the Rangers are able to use the powerful new steel to create brand new Ninja Power Stars. It’s going to take everything in the arsenal, including brand new Megazords, to protect the Ninja Nexus Prism and defeat Odius once and for all!

第⁨二十六⁩季 2019 • ⁨22⁩ 集

《⁨恐龙战队⁩》第 ⁨26⁩ 季于 ⁨2019-03-02⁩ 首播。

Set in the future, a secret agency combines a newly discovered substance called “Morph-X” with animal DNA to create the Power Rangers Beast Morphers team. The Rangers must fight off an evil sentient computer virus bent on taking over the source of all Ranger power, the Morphin Grid itself

第⁨二十七⁩季 2020 • ⁨22⁩ 集

《⁨恐龙战队⁩》第 ⁨27⁩ 季于 ⁨2020-02-22⁩ 首播。

As Evox builds his army to overtake Earth, the Rangers must stop him with new zords, enhanced abilities and unexpected allies.

第⁨二十八⁩季 2021 • ⁨22⁩ 集

《⁨恐龙战队⁩》第 ⁨28⁩ 季于 ⁨2021-02-20⁩ 首播。

When an army of powerful alien beings is unleashed on Earth threatening life as we know it, a brand-new team of Power Rangers, fueled by the pre-historic power of the dinosaurs, are recruited to deal with the threat.

第⁨二十九⁩季 2022 • ⁨22⁩ 集

《⁨恐龙战队⁩》第 ⁨29⁩ 季于 ⁨2022-03-03⁩ 首播。

The Power Rangers band together with mighty new Dino Keys to stop more squads of Sporix beasts — and revived enemies out for revenge.

第⁨三十⁩季 2023 • ⁨10⁩ 集

《⁨恐龙战队⁩》第 ⁨30⁩ 季于 ⁨2023-09-29⁩ 首播。

When Lord Zedd returns more powerful than ever, Team Cosmic Fury takes to the cosmos to battle the emperor of evil — and save the universe as we know it.